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  • Database: Find Journal Articles and More
Academic OneFile: Your one-stop shop for acing those papers! Dive into millions of articles from top journals and magazines on practically any subject. Whether you're cramming for a history exam or need sources for your English essay, this database has your back. Easy to search, packed with reliable info, and always up-to-date. Say goodbye to stressing over finding good sources – Academic OneFile makes research a breeze!
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  • Database: Find Journal Articles and More
Academic Search Complete: Your secret weapon for crushing college assignments! This mega-database is packed with tons of full-text articles on just about everything. Need info for your psychology paper? Check. Looking for sources on climate change? Got it. With easy searching and loads of peer-reviewed content, you'll find exactly what you need to nail your projects. Don't waste time Googling - Academic Search Complete is your shortcut to academic success!
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Credo Reference: Your secret study buddy for acing college! Confused by a new topic? Credo's got your back with easy-to-understand overviews on pretty much everything. It's like having hundreds of encyclopedias at your fingertips, but way cooler. Find quick facts, dive deeper with in-depth articles, or explore mind maps to connect ideas. Perfect for starting research papers or cramming before exams. Boost your grades and impress your profs with Credo!
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  • Streaming: Audio and Video
Films on Demand: Your go-to for awesome educational videos! Ace your classes with thousands of cool documentaries and lectures on everything from history to science. No more boring study sessions – watch engaging content that makes learning fun. Perfect for research projects, presentation visuals, or just exploring topics you're curious about. Dive in and discover a world of knowledge at your fingertips!
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  • Database: Find Journal Articles and More
History Reference Center: Time-travel through the ages from wherever you study! Dig into the past with tons of cool articles, videos, and primary sources on everything from ancient civilizations to modern events. Stuck on your history paper? This database is your ticket to acing it. Find firsthand accounts, analyze historical photos, and uncover fascinating facts that'll make your essays pop. Whether you're a history buff or just trying to pass that gen-ed course, History Reference Center makes the past come alive!
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  • Database: Find Journal Articles and More
Humanities Source: Your go-to for all things artsy and cultural! Dive into a treasure trove of articles on literature, philosophy, art, music, and more. Writing a paper on Shakespeare? Analyzing modern poetry? This database has your back with tons of peer-reviewed content. It's perfect for acing your English, Art History, or Philosophy classes. Discover new perspectives, find inspiration for creative projects, and impress your professors with solid sources. Make Humanities Source your secret weapon for crushing those humanities courses!
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  • Database: Find Journal Articles and More
JSTOR: The ultimate academic goldmine for college success! Dive into millions of articles from top-notch journals across tons of subjects. Need rock-solid sources for your papers? JSTOR's got you covered with legit, peer-reviewed content that'll impress your profs. From ancient history to cutting-edge science, it's all here. Plus, with easy searching and downloadable PDFs, you'll save time and stress. Don't just skim the surface – go deep with JSTOR and watch your grades soar!
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  • Streaming: Audio and Video
PBS Video Collection: Binge-watch your way to better grades! Ditch the boring textbooks and dive into thousands of awesome PBS documentaries and shows. From science and history to current events, this video goldmine has it all. Need to jazz up your presentation? Grab a clip! Want to understand a tough topic? Watch an expert break it down. With high-quality content that's actually fun to watch, you'll be acing your classes and impressing your professors in no time. Who said learning can't be as addictive as your favorite streaming service?
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  • Programs and Other Learning Resources
Sage Skills: Level up your college game with this ultimate study sidekick! Crush those assignments and boost your grades with bite-sized lessons on everything from writing killer essays to nailing presentations. Stuck on stats? Confused about citing sources? Sage Skills has your back with easy-to-follow videos and interactive quizzes. It's like having a personal tutor 24/7, minus the awkward small talk. Whether you're aiming for straight A's or just trying to survive your first year, Sage Skills is your power-up for academic success. Don't just survive college – thrive with Sage Skills!
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  • Database: Find Journal Articles and More
Science: Your ticket to the cutting edge of discovery! Dive into mind-blowing research, hot scientific debates, and the latest breakthroughs that are shaping our world. Whether you're a budding biologist, curious about climate change, or just want to sound smart at parties, Science has you covered. Get the scoop on everything from space exploration to genetic engineering, explained in ways that won't melt your brain. Impress your professors, ace your papers, and stay ahead of the curve with the coolest science mag out there. Who knows? You might even discover your future career!