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Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary Loan Policy: Students, Employees, and Community Members

South Florida State College participates in the interlibrary loan program, which allows patrons to request materials from other libraries when the materials are not readily available at our main or branch campuses.

All currently enrolled students, faculty, staff, and community members may request materials through interlibrary loan.

Submitting Requests

SFSC students and employees may request materials by contacting the Reference Desk by phone at 784-7304, or via email at Requests can also be made from the catalog using UBorrow.

Community Patrons and students enrolled at other institutions should contact their local library first. SFSC reference desk will provide additional assistance if needed.

Active Transactions

The amount of active ILL transactions is limited by patron status. A request is considered active from the time it is made until the material arrives back at the lending library.

SFSC students may have 5 active requests

SFSC employees may have Unlimited active requests; however, discretion is advised.

Students enrolled in other institutions, including distance learning may have 3 active requests.

Community patrons may have 2 active requests.

Delivery and Renewal of Materials

Generally, interlibrary loan materials are delivered to the Reference Desk within 7 business days, excluding weekends and holidays.

Patrons are notified upon arrival of materials by phone and/or email. Materials are held for 7 business days at the Reference desk.

If the item is unclaimed by the end of the 7th day, it will be sent back to the lending library. Leaving a message constitutes notification; therefore, patrons should make sure that the SFSC reference desk has their current phone number and email address.

Renewals are at the discretion of the lending library. Patrons are responsible for lost materials or late fees.

ILL Request: Using UBorrow

Initiating a UBorrow request requires a login (SFSC students and Employees). Use the Sign in button for Single Sign-On (SSO) from Panther Central to log into the SFSC catalog. Community members with a registered account may log in with their user ID (Library Card Number) and Password (last 4 digits of Library Card number).

Once you are logged in, type your Search Terms into the Search Box and change the adjacent drop-down menu from Everything to Statewide Catalog for access to materials from State College and University Libraries.

Select the link Check for available services.

On the following page, under How to get it, click UBorrow Request. Scroll down the page and make sure that the information in the form is accurate and press the Send Request button.

The UBorrow Request will be sent to the Reference Desk, and a staff member will contact you with further updates on the status of your interlibrary loan request.