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Career Resources


General Search Tips

General Search Tips

  • Start your search in the library catalog, then look in subject specific databases for more specific results.
  • Boolean Search terms: AND gives you only results with both of your search terms, OR gives you results with either one of your search terms (but not necessarily both of them), NOT excludes results with that search term.
  • Start general, and refine to a specific search.  If you have a general idea of what you would like to focus on, search a broad term, and then refine as you discover what is available. 
  • Look at the subject terms and keywords that the articles you find are using. If they seem relevant, you may wish to incorporate them into your search terms.
  • If your results are too broad, add additional search terms to refine your search.
  • Searching for a specific phrase? Place it in quotation marks to search for those exact works in that order. For example: “To be or not to be” will find that specific phrase, rather than each word individually.
  •  Need to find a word or phrase in an article PDF, an e-book, or on a webpage? Use CTRL and F to open a search box that will search the text within a document.