Babylon by Joan C. OatesCall Number: DS71 .O2
ISBN: 0500273847
Publication Date: 1986-06-01
In a highly acclaimed account, now brought up to date for the revised edition, Dr. Oates describes the rise of Babylon from Sargon of Agade to Hammurapi, the great law-giver under whom in the 18th century BC the city first attained pre-eminence. She charts its progress under his successors, its greatest period of empire during the reigns of Nebuchadrezzar and Nabonidus in the 6th century BC, and its decay and final abandonment as Persians and Greeks turned Mesopotamia into a battleground. Also includes information on administration, Alexander the Great, Elam, Epic of Gilgamesh, Euphrates, glass, gold, Hanging Gardens, Herodotus, Inanna, irrigation, Isin, kingship, Kish, Marduk, Mari, music, mythology, Nimrud, Nineveh, omens, Palestine, Parthian Empire, plough, Romans, sealings and seal impressions, Seleucid calendar, Semitic languages, Sin (Nanna, moon god), Sippar, slaves, Sumer, technology, trade, Uruk (Warka), vaulting, warfare, writing, ziggurrat, zodiac, etc.