A Room of One's Own by Ellen B. RosenmanCall Number: PR6045.O72 Z86734 1994
ISBN: 0805785949
Publication Date: 1994-11-01
Ellen Bayuk Rosenman explores the myriad perceptions of a work whose famous title comes from one of its most basic and simple prescriptions: that to fare as a writer in the modern world a woman needs a room of her own and [pound]500 a year. In a broad sense, Rosenman points out, A Room of One's Own analyzes the constraints on women's achievement - the hostile environment in which they write - and the responses, both creative and self-defeating, that this environment provokes. This environment - the historically ordered patriarchy - Rosenman observes as Woolf observed it, from the place of the outsider. Rosenman follows the essay's analysis of what she considers two large and vague words: patriarchy and feminism.