To access the library subscription databases, you can sort them by Subject or Type or do a Keyword Search.
Library subscription databases consist of published journals, magazines, reports, documents, newspapers, books, image collections, videos, and more.
Authentication: Students, Faculty, and Staff will be asked for their Panther Central credentials to login. This experience varies by database, but where it is supported, researchers will have the ability to log into OpenAthens by selecting South Florida State College from a list and entering their SFSC Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.
Ebooks: We have an Ebooks guide: How to search for them, view them, download them, and how to read them on a computer or a mobile device.
Mobile: The EBSCO Mobile App provides users with an easy way to access all library content (from ebooks to journal articles). Research anytime, anywhere.
Open Access: In the case of Open Access Databases, those are available to anyone and no login credentials are required.
The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
Academic Writer is here to help you build strong writing skills that will last a lifetime. Created by the experts behind APA Style®, this awesome tool is perfect for answering your questions about research, paper structure, and formatting. With self-paced learning modules, tools for building references, and a guided writing center, Academic Writer supports you and your library or writing center in achieving academic success. It's all about helping you develop a solid foundation in writing!
Transform your chemistry learning experience with Gale Interactive: Chemistry, an engaging tool designed for college students. Aligned with introductory courses, it combines detailed reference material with interactive 3D models that you can zoom, rotate, and explore. Covering essential topics like the periodic table, molecules, reactions, and chemical processes, this resource makes it easy to find relevant information and is perfect for in-class demonstrations, homework help, and research projects. Say goodbye to boring textbooks and make chemistry dynamic and exciting!
Global Road Warrior is the world’s most extensive country-by-country resource for learning about culture, customs, history, and language worldwide. Global Road Warrior consists of 174 Country Guides of 119 topics each.
MIT Press Direct hosts over 3,000 titles, including the open access titles supported by the Direct to Open (D2O) program. About 150 new titles are published each year. Key subject areas covered in the complete collection include art and architecture, biomedical sciences, business and finance, computer science, cognitive science, design, education, environment, game studies, humanities, information science, linguistics, neuroscience, new media, philosophy, and social sciences.
SUCCESS readers are educated entrepreneurs, digital nomads, and highly motivated millennials who are looking for trustworthy products and services to help them navigate a rapidly changing work landscape. Today, SUCCESS is more than a magazine; it is a multi-platform media company dedicated to fostering inspiration, ideas, and strategies for self-motivated professionals, company founders, and solopreneurs operating in the modern gig economy. It is the perfect partner for brands that serve and support this dynamic community.