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Open Educational Resources

About the Librarian Tool Box

The Librarian OER Toolbox is a collection of links to (mostly) open resources. It is designed for librarians, expert searchers, and people who "enjoy the hunt" through overwhelming volumes of information. This site represents the most comprehensive lists we have found of the places to look for open educational resources written in English. WARNING: Using this page may cause information overload. Proceed with caution.

What are Research Libraries doing regarding OER?

Recordings (or webinars)

Communities for "Getting Started"

OER & Lower Cost Textbooks

Open Textbooks (free, Faculty-editable)

Open Stax College (Rice University)

BC Campus Open ED

Open Textbook Library

MERLOT (material type=open textbook)

Open Textbooks CCCOER

College Open Textbooks

Open SUNY Textbooks


Lower-Cost (Faculty-Editable)

Boundless ($)

Flatworld Knowledge  ($)

Thuze ($)


Slightly lower cost commercial Custom Textbooks (Note: these tend to have lower or zero re-sale value)

Bedford, Freeman & Worth, Cengage Learning, McGraw-Hill, Pearson, & Wiley

Open Courseware

California Learning Resource Network

Carnegie Mellon University - Open + Free Courses



HUBS Knowledge Base - Quality articles for engineers and designers to learn about Digital Manufacturing.

MIT Open Courseware


National Repository of Online Courses

Notre Dame OpenCourseWare

Open Courseware Library

Open Yale Courses

OpenCourseWare data faceted search

OpenCourseWare Consortium

Peer 2 Peer University (P2PU) Academy


Stanford Online

Tufts OpenCourseWare

UNU Open Coursware (archived site)

Utah State OpenCourseWare


Library OER initiatives (from SPARC) - an list of OER initiatives involving libraries or librarians. Organized geographically.

LibraryAsLeader (Washington state initiative and the BCOER Librarians group are particularly notable.

A number of international, state, regional, and local OER consortia also exist, including: OpenVAOpenWashington, and many others. Annual conferences, such as OpenEdOpen and Education Global are excellent places to explore and obtain support.

A variety of impact, project, policy and other OER maps are also available from the OER Research Hub.


Recommended Readings

Billings, Marilyn, et al. (2012) “Open Educational Resources as Learning Materials: Prospects and Strategies for University Libraries” RLI 280 p2-10 

Babson Survey Research Group surveys on Open Educational Resources in U.S. Higher Education. (2012 & 2014). The 2014 survey focuses on level of faculty awareness of OER.

Chae, Boyoung and Jenkins, Mark (2015) "A Qualitative Investigation of Faculty Open Educational Resource Usage in the Washington Community and Technical College System: Models for Support and Implementation" Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges

Collins, Sue and Levy, Peter (2013) “Guide to the Use of Open Educational Resources in K-12 and Postsecondary Education” Software & Information Industry Association.

Florida Virtual Campus (2012) 2012 Faculty and Administrator Open Educational Resources SurveyTallahassee, FL: Author. 

Kazakoff-Lane, Carmen [2014] “Environmental Scan and Assessment of OERs, MOOCs and Libraries: What Effectiveness and Sustainability Means for Libraries’ Impact on Open Education”  

Kleinman, Mill (2008) “The Beauty of ‘Some Rights Reserved’: Introducing Creative Commons to librarians, faculty, and students. C&RL News. Vol.69, No. 10.

Kleymeer, Pieter, Kleinman, Molly, and Hansee, Ted (2010) “Reaching the Heart of the University: Libraries and the Future of OER” Presented at the Open Education 2010 Conference, November 2-4, 2010. Barcelona Spain. 

Charleston Conference (Nov 2014) issue "Library Roles with Textbook Affordability" Against the Grain 26(5). [Nearly 50+ pages Library and OER projects descriptions] Not Open Access. Ask your Collections Development Department if they have a copy or online subscription.]

Walz, Anita (2015) "Open and Editable: Exploring Library Engagement in Open Educational Resource Adoption, Adaptation and Authoring" Virginia Libraries. Vol.61:23-31.

Tools and more tools

Open eLearning Content Repositories (by topic)

Communities & Author Tools

Publishing Platforms and Print-On-Demand Options


Much of the material in this guide was created by  Anita Walz  of the Viginina Tech Library and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. 3rd-party content including, but not limited to images and linked items, are subject to their own license terms. CC BY License