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Databases A-Z List

Master list of all databases.

About Library Subscription Databases

Library subscription databases consist of published journals, magazines, reports, documents, newspapers, books, image collections, videos, and more.

Authentication: Students, Faculty, and Staff will be asked for their Panther Central credentials to login. This experience varies by database, but where it is supported, researchers will have the ability to log into OpenAthens by selecting South Florida State College from a list and entering their SFSC Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.

Ebooks: We have an Ebooks guide: How to search for them, view them, download them, and how to read them on a computer or a mobile device.

Mobile: The EBSCO Mobile App provides users with an easy way to access all library content (from ebooks to journal articles). Research anytime, anywhere.

Open Access: In the case of Open Access Databases, those are available to anyone and no login credentials are required.

Finding the Right Database

To access the library subscription databases, you can sort them by Subject or Type or do a Keyword Search.